2022 Graduate Awardees
Ashley Hou
Credentials: PhD 2022
"My research focuses on developing data-driven algorithms (using techniques from stochastic optimization and machine learning) to ensure reliable power systems operation as renewable generation is increasingly integrated into the grid."
Marisa Liben (Tisler)
Credentials: PhD 2023
"My research focuses on supporting wireless power transfer technology as a viable alternative to permanent magnets in the motors found in electric vehicles. By removing permanent magnets the motor can be made cheaper and with a lower environmental impact."
2022 Undergraduate Awardees
Ian Bormett
Credentials: B.S. 2022
"I decided that the best way to combine my goals – working with electronics but for the environment – would be in the field of renewable energy."
Tyler Fritz
Credentials: B.S. 2022
"To me, the most interesting part about power engineering is the massive amount of power you can control at any given time. To watch huge motors spin up and move lots of weight is really a spectacle to behold."
Grant Kirner
Credentials: B.S. 2021
"In my first year of undergrad, I joined Engineers Without Borders where we designed a 25kw solar, battery, and generator system for a children's shelter in Puerto Rico. This was my first introduction in renewable energy systems."
Gabrielle Kohn
Credentials: B.S. 2022
"From a small student organization called Helios, in which we planned and implemented renewable energy projects around UW-Madison, e.g. for Gordon Dining Hall, I became very interested in renewable energy and started to focus my degree on aspects of power engineering."
Madison Moore
Credentials: B.S. 2022
"I chose to pursue electrical engineering, specifically, because I saw the overlap in EE and renewable energy. I decided to pursue the Engineering for Energy Sustainability Certificate. The power engineering courses have been my favorite courses!
Thomas Nguyen
Credentials: B.S. 2022
"As a high school student, I cemented my interest to study engineering through research projects in microgrids and ship electrification led by Associate Professor Rob Cuzner at UW-Milwaukee’s Center for Sustainable Electric Energy Systems."
Taylor Payne
Credentials: B.S. 2022
"Power engineering is crucial for the future and all countries are dependent on the infrastructure provided by power engineering. I think it is important for these infrastructures to be clean and resilient."
Alex Plastrik
Credentials: B.S. 2022
"I am interested in power engineering because it is very relevant in many current issues, especially those involving global warming and our dependence on fossil fuels."
William Weis
Credentials: B.S. 2022
"I was always interested in power engineering as electric motors always fascinated me. All of the power engineering courses reaffirmed that I made the correct choice in career field."
Previous Granger Awardees
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Click below to visit the 2020 Grainger Awardees!